Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Darklands Puzzle #6

The path is blocked by a grim iron door. To one side is a golden statue of a dwarf. On the other is a silver statue of a dwarf. Embossed on the door are the words:
As you ponder this, they speak.
The gold statue says, "To open the door, touch the statue which speaks truth."
The silver statue says, "To open the door, touch the statue which lies." Which statue is right? The wrong statue may (will. ed.) release a dwarf trap! You think carefully, then...
...touch the gold statue.
...touch the silver statue.
(Source: Darklands cluebook by MicroProse Software)

Assume first that Gold is the "knight" of the pair. This means that one would touch Gold. But this assumption may not be warranted and on the other hand it may be the case that Gold  is the "knave" of the pair. In this case, Gold is really telling the player to touch the statue that doesn't tell the truth (i.e. lies). And, in this case, Silver (i.e. the "knight") is fully willing to back up the tacit statement of the Gold: touch the statue that is a dirty liar (i.e. Gold). In any case, one should touch Gold. And pray that it doesn't start to melt like the one in the Hobbit films.
Dies ist nicht dein Königreich. Dies ist Zwergenland, dies ist Zwergengold. Und wir bekommen unsere Rache!

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